Staying Healthy with Two Littles During the Winter Months

Hey y'all! Welp, Christmas is over almost as fast as it began (or at least it feels that way!). But you know what isn't over? Winter. And colds. Especialllllllly with the little ones. I don't know about you, but it seems like my littles are somehow sick all winter long. Which is why I am all about stocking up on the latest and greatest must-haves to keep those germs at bay as best I can. My number one go to? KLEENEX. Did you know that Kleenex kills 99.9% of cold and flu viruses in the tissue? The active ingredients in the middle layer disrupt the viruses’ protective coating and kill 99.9% of cold and flu viruses in the tissue within 15 minutes. Say whaaaaa? I don't know about you, but I like those odds. 

Naturally, I headed up to my local Walmart (seriously, when I say local, I mean it is a 5 minute walk from my house.... butttttt since it's 5 degrees and snowing out, we're just gonna stick to driving this time of year. Or ordering online via Walmart, because hello, free 2 day shipping, yes please! Head to to order yours today!). 

I stocked up on several boxes of the classic Kleenex, because sick or not, you can never really have too many in your home. I'm even teaching Ro the importance of blowing his nose (and his sister's apparently, his idea... oh boy, haha) to keep those germs away. 

Even Ro's new superhero member of the family is a fan of Kleenex

with love,

kellie ♥